I want you to know that I am trying my hardest to document my journey to producing the most fitness content to help each and every one of you.
I don't just want to stick to one platform. I want to be able to reach you across any platform that you choose to use.
However you wish to consume anything that I put out, I want you to be able to decide how you watch it, or read it, or listen to it. Therefore I am creating this post to attempt to keep myself accountable to creating content in blog posts, as well as video form and podcasts.
They're not all there in true form yet, but the ideas are there and I am using this time to set the foundations to put them all into place and use my time very wisely to be able to deliver across multiple platforms.
A blog post is easily consumed while on the bus home, or between meetings. Or even when laying in bed late at night bored. So I am starting with this post and I hope to grow it into something meaningful to whoever reads it.
The current worldwide pandemic is worrying times for everyone. However, in every dark time, you need to find the light. The light for me is that I have been forced into taking a step back from my day-to-day gym life, due to it being closed for the foreseeable, and I am now able to realise that I have been way too slack in producing content around my love; fitness.
Hopefully this is now going to kick-start me into continuing with my social media, such as Instagram and Facebook, but also get a little more serious about other platforms .. including this blog.
If you find you are able to consume fitness content well via a blog post then please follow this blog and share posts with your friends that you feel can help them too.